Meadows Curriculum

At Ambleside Nurseries we aim to provide a broad, rich and exciting range of experiences that are fun, rewarding and challenging.  Our carefully planned environment offers a wealth of core resources which provide children with opportunities to develop their learning, both independently and with peers.

For the majority of their session, the children make choices about their play and interactions. Children are encouraged to independently access resources indoors and outdoors to follow their interests and passions.  Adults skillfully and sensitively guide children’s learning whilst working alongside them.  Authentic relationships support and inspire children as they develop a lifelong love of learning.

During each session the children take part in thoughtfully planned adult-led activities with their key group.  These times provide opportunities for children to gain a sense of belonging and to develop friendships.  These short group times focus on introducing new skills and developing learning across the seven areas of the early years curriculum.  Keyworkers know their groups extremely well and will adapt plans to meet the individual needs and interests of their groups.

Here are the planned group times for this cycle:

Daily planned group times- Monday 24th February – Friday 14th March

Meadows Group Times